Best dimethyltryptamine, Let me know what you want in return. Congratulations on your PEPE trade. I imagine you're doing well. I'm reaching out to you because I'm currently in a difficult financial situation and I was wondering if you could help me out. I need $6000 to cover some personal living expenses that I'm struggling to manage. I understand that this is a big ask, but if you can find the time I will elaborate on why I am asking you. Where do you need it for? To be a bit more transparent, I work in IT and just switched jobs. But I will only start in two months on my new job. These funds are to cover those two months of expenses. I need to pay rent of 1650 euros in two weeks (yes NL is getting expensive) and currently I see no way of obtaining it in such a short amount of time. I ask for two months worth of rent which makes 3300 euros (3660$). The rest of the money is needed for groceries, and energy and utility bills totaling 1200 per month. This equals 5700 euros for two months in total (6300$). How did you find me? Using twitter and various analytics tools. I apologise for being so direct in asking you for funds. I dont mean to cross personal boundaries of people, but as of now I believe this is the best possible way to go at it. Please let me know if you are able to help. If not I completely understand and I apprecate the time and effort for reading this message. Thank you for considering my request, and I hope this message finds you well. Kind regards, A crypto anon